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4 Downs of Life

Jason Song

We can all use life principles to guide us. Here, I'd like to share 4 Downs of Life.

Calm Down Life can be very frustrating. There are all kinds of things that can cause stress and anxiety. But, we must remember to not lose our temper. We must learn to remain cool, calm, and collected. When facing conflicts, choose to be less confrontational. Be gentler and kinder. Make efforts to understand and empathize with others.

Lay Down Do not pursue power, position, prestige and profits. Don’t let “moving up” be the goal of your life--in fact, when possible, choose to move down. That's what Jesus did. Also, do not assume that you have the "right" to be served, honored, and respected. Humble yourself. Lay down your sense of entitlement.

Dig Down Be rooted in God’s word. Be that tree which bears fruit in and out of season (Psalms 1:3; Jeremiah 17:8). Live a life of inward reflection. Rather than blaming others or pointing fingers, search your own soul and heart for answers and correction. Prepare for the future by working on the fundamentals. Learn to wait on God.

Bow Down Don't be a stiff-necked, arrogant person. Despite what your parents might have told you, you are not the prince or princess to everyone (you might be to your parents)!. The sooner you realize that you are not the center of the universe, the more you'll enjoy and appreciate this journey called "life." Remain humble in all human relations. But more importantly, acknowledge God, and bow down and worship Him, the Lord of the Universe.

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