Students prepare for the new school year by acquiring new backpacks, writing tools, or clothes. However, I hope they can begin the new school year with a "fresh" and "positive" attitude. Why? Because attitude matters. According to Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, your attitude will determine: "(1) the quality of your relationship with other people; (2) whether you can turn a problem into a blessing; and (3) whether you become a victim of defeat or a student of success."
So before we blame others, we must think about our own attitude: What is my attitude toward problems, authority, family, friends, and money? Do I view setbacks as a stepping-stone for growth, or do I make excuses and blame others? How do I react when odds are against me? If others were to rank or score my attitude, 1 = poor and 10 = fantastic, what would be the score?
Pastor Wayne says that a good attitude is like the Hawaiian lei (a wreath of flowers presented to guests upon arrival to the islands). The beautiful fragrance can uplift others. But, a bad attitude is like the odor of trash that makes others scowl and turn their heads. So, I hope all parents, teachers, and students will take the time to evaluate their attitude. This is particularly important as we start the new school year. May we give off the wonderful fragrance of Jesus this school year and bless everyone we meet!
Life is full of problems. Each person faces many battles every day. We all face storms while sailing through life. If so, what makes one stay afloat while another sinks to the bottom? It's the attitude!

Having a positive attitude inside causes you to withstand the storms of life--you will not allow the "outside storm to become an inside storm" (Cordeiro, pg. 37). Here is Pastor Wayne Cordeiro's story:
"A few years ago, I took up fishing as a hobby. Friends and I would fish on the eastern shore of the Big Island of Hawaii. We would throw our lines into the ocean, and if we were fishing at the right time and had the right bait, we would catch some good-sized fish. Nearby was a barbecue grill where we would place our trophies. We would take our day's catch, clean each one, and then place each trophy on the grill. Even though these fish had spent all their lives in the salty ocean, guess what? I had to sprinkle salt on our catch as we were cooking them... You would think that [that] would be about the most unnecessary thing to do, considering that the fish had been marinating in salt water for at least a year or two. Yet even though these fish had lived in the ocean, none of the salt got inside."
What's the point? Even though we live in a world filled with tragedies, violence, and all kinds of problems, we can still thrive as vibrant and strong followers of Jesus Christ, not ruined by all the negatives. And, this can be achieved by having faith in God and having the right attitude. You see, having a positive attitude does not mean avoiding life's issues or wishing they'd disappear. No, a sound attitude is knowing Who is in control and, thus, never allowing the outside storms to become inside storms.
So, how is your attitude? Do you realize that problems are temporary? Do you know that God is bigger than your problems? Keep your eyes fixed on God and develop a positive attitude rooted in Him. God will surely protect and sustain you each day.
Thanks so much for the encouraging article. Just what I needed to start my week!