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Emotional Well-Being (Part 2)

Jason Song

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

In recent years, one of the buzzwords or topics in the field of education has been Growth Mindset - a belief that says everyone can grow and learn when false limits are removed. I absolutely agree with Carol Dweck's research and framework. And, if you've been around young people, you know many of them say and believe damaging statements like, "I can't do math (or fill in the blank)," "I've never been able to write well," "Others are smarter than me," "I am dumb," etc. These false beliefs negatively affect their abilities and worth. In order to tear down these false perceptions, we need to speak God's truth into their lives. God loves and cares for them--that's the truth, that's the fact. God finds intrinsic and innate value in every person. Why? Because it is God who specifically endowed gifts and talents in each child. He also enables everyone to reach his/her God-given potential. These (and other) truths from God's word must be the basis of the children's cognition, not the negative ideas, thoughts, and words that they picked up somewhere or from someone. So, parents and teachers, let's speak God's truth into the lives of our students. We must affirm their value as children of God and encourage them to hold firmly to His words, promises, and blessings so that they are not misled by false beliefs.

To that end, I strongly suggest picking up a copy of Telling Yourself the Truth (subtitle: Find your way out of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, and other common problems by applying the principles of misbelief therapy) by William Backus and Marie Chapian. This is an excellent book that will help the reader--young and old--to detect and deal with topics such as negative self-talk, self-hate, fear of change, lack of self-control, among other topics. I've had a number of people who, after having read the book, reached out to me and thanked me for the recommendation. I hope it will have the same powerful impact on you.


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