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Evidence for God #4: the Bible

Jason Song

Updated: Dec 14, 2018

The Bible is a uniquely consistent book. It is 66 books written over 1500 years by 40+ authors in multiple languages which points consistently to Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior.

Norman Geisler argues that individual authors writing chapters of a coherent book without the knowledge of overarching theme or what other writers are writing IS NOT possible in human capacity. There is a Master Author who upholds unity and orchestrates authors. See his book titled Biblical Inerrancy: The Historical Evidence for more.

Among the sacred texts, the Bible is the uniquely historical book.

  • No one knows where the Hindu scripture came from because they are more like myths and folklore.

  • Q’ran is supposed to be a revelation from Mohammed talking to an angel 600 years ago--there are no historical claims that can be validated. (Plus, Jesus is not the son of God or God’s prophet in Q'ran, thus the Bible and Q’ran cannot be both right. One must be right, and the other must be wrong. Q'ran does not believe in the Trinity of God either.)

Bible's historicity is evidenced by the following (just a short list of facts):

  • Various tribes or nations: ex. the Hittites (evidence support their existence)

  • Locations or structures: ex. Jericho (archaeologists found the evidence of fallen walls); Sodom and Gomorrah (buried under 6” of ashes)

  • Persons or figures: ex. Pilate’s existence and date of rule found in non-Jewish records

In conclusion, the Bible is a uniquely preserved ancient historical text. As much it can be validated by historical and archaeological evidence, its claims about God, Jesus' birth and resurrection, sin, salvation, etc. can be trusted (at least, they are more trustworthy than other religions' claims).

See Always Be Ready's section on the Bible for both written and visual presentations which you can browse, or purchase/license in order to show others. You will find so much evidence here that you might be overwhelmed. At any rate, you can place your confidence in the historicity and reliability of the Bible.


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