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Intelligent Design

Jason Song

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

ID is an off-shoot of Teleological Argument: where there is design, there's a designer. But, it isn't just abstract or philosophical reasoning: ID is solidly backed by scientific evidence.

You can watch an hour long video to learn more about Michael Behe's seminal work chronicling his reasoning and discovery. It is quite fascinating and well produced. (It is an hour long--you've been warned)

Only intelligence generates irreducible complexity. --Stephen Meyer

The main titles/books in the ID movement are as follows:

  • Axe, Doug: Undeniable

  • Behe, Michael: Darwin's Black Box

  • Dembski, William: Uncommon Dissent

  • Dembski & Wells, Jonathan: The Design of Life

  • Meyer, Stephen: Darwin's Doubt; Signature in the Cell

The primary spokesperson for the ID movement has to be Stephen Meyer. Look him up, and you'll find lots of lots of material on him--including his many debates against atheists and scientists.

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There are many who do not agree with the ID argument. One among such persons is Kenneth R. Miller, a professor at Brown University and the co-author of a well-circulated high school Biology Textbook (Miller and Levine, eds.). I think I heard somewhere that Miller is a Catholic, but I'm not absolutely certain.

Miller argues that specific parts of the flagellum motor each have independent functions that can be utilized in other cells or structures, therefore there is no "irreducible complexity." However, even if Miller were correct, that still does not answer as to (1) why the individual parts work so well to perform specific functions (as if they were designed to work together), and (2) what the driving mechanism behind the assembly of those parts is. Miller says, "It's evolution," quite typical of scientists. But, if you pay close attention to Behe's work (summarized in the video), you'll learn why Behe isn't buying it.

I find the ID argument very, very convincing. In fact, the world-renown atheist Antony Flew renounced his commitment to atheism mainly due to the ID argument and evidence. See Flew's There is a God for his journey of skepticism that ultimately led him to acknowledge the existence of God. That's powerful. Even David Berlinski, an agnostic himself, acknowledges that the ID is a powerful argument for the the designer/creator.

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