Here, I will list some websites that I frequently visit to read, learn, and explore. I will provide the ministry/main figure's name, as well as the URL, and what I like about each site.
www.reasons.org (Hugh Ross; Rana Fazale; Reasons to Believe) Anything related to astrophysics, biology, and bio-chemistry can be found here. They also have course material for students. Select students can also participate in their summer, on-site training program. You can also subscribe to their email blast.
www.reasonablefaith.org (William Lane Craig; Reasonable Faith)
William Lane Craig is one of the intellectual giants in the field of Christian apologetics. He has debated outspoken atheists such as Sean Carroll, Lawrence Krause (many times), Sam Harris, Victor Stenger, Christopher Hitchens, and many others. Craig also provides podcasts and weekly "Defender's Class." He is at Talbot Seminary (Biola University).
www.rzim.org (Ravi Zacharias; Ravi Zacharias International Ministry)
While Hugh Ross is a scientist/apologist, RZ is a philosopher/apologist. His arguments are usually deep and requires following through very carefully. He has been the leading apologist who travelled across the globe to present the Gospel truth to skeptical college students, non-Christian religious leaders, and even politicians. RZIM published a college-student curriculum titled A.S.K. It can be used for upper high school students.
www.evolutionnews.org (Stephen Meyer; Intelligent Design/Discovery Institute) This is the primary outlet of Discovery Institute via Facebook or other social media. They tackle new scientific findings/data almost on a daily basis. Some of their discussions are overly scientific, but the vast majority of their articles are very approachable. If you have any questions related to "evolution," they will have answers.
https://www.facebook.com/BiolaApologetics/ (Biola U's Apologetics Facebook Page)
You can learn about Biola'a program as well as their events, including some open (that's the code word for "free") lectures and seminars. Biola's M.A. Apologetics was recently integrated into the Talbot Seminary program, making the former stronger and more robust. Good move, I say.
www.alwaysbeready.org (Charlie Campbell; ABR Ministry)
Campbell is clearly not "up there" with the big guns like Craig or Ross, but his website is full of useful resources. You can download his professionally created videos for very low cost, and show them to students and friends. His take on the Bible is probably the best I've seen in terms of what's available out there. But, that's not all. There's a LOT of stuff here.
Other sites include:
www.confidentchristianity.com (Mary Jo Sharp; Confident Christianity) https://www.prageru.com/5-minute-videos (Praeger University; keyword: religion, philosophy)
https://apologetics315.com/ (a whole lot of links to all kinds of apologetics material, but this will be overwhelming to starters; still, the material are sorted by topics)
I chose not to include sites that I've not read used. Keep in mind that there are lots and lots of sites out there, but not all of them are doctrinally sound. So, be careful!