I was brought up in a Buddhist family. I remember frequenting temples, bowing and praying to golden and earthen figures to have prayers answered. While I don’t really recall what I prayed about, I do remember hearing from a monk that Buddha will open his eyes and make contact with me if I bowed 1,000x (stand up, squat down, bow your head, get up, and start all over). Well, I never did that, and I could never tell if Buddha was looking at me or ignoring me.

I am glad that God of Christianity does not require certain forms or rituals of prayer. Of course, I am aware of the various physical forms or types of prayer mentioned in the Bible. But, there is no specific requirement that says you have to bow 1000x, or prostrate yourself, or speak loudly, or repeat certain mantras. Jesus taught that it's the heart that matters, not the outward form or style. In the NT, the followers of Jesus Chris are reminded that: (1) God is love itself; (2) His kingdom must be sought first; (3) our will must align to that of God’s; and (3) the right attitude is a prerequisite.
I'd like to share my personal thoughts on prayer.
First, prayer works. It has worked in my life, my wife’s life, and it works for billions and billions of people all over the world. It worked in the past, it works today, and it will continue to work in the future. We cannot deny that prayer works if we’re honest about all the big and small prayers that are answered.
Second, some prayers are not answered because they are not aligned to the Father’s will and plan. Too many of us lift up prayers that are illogical, irresponsible, and ill-timed: “give me a million dollars,” “I want a red Ferrari,” "I need a new house," for example. Which of us as fathers (or mothers) would grant such requests to immature children? Selfish prayers more about our spiritual, emotional, and relational immaturity than about God's lack of care or concern. In fact, because God cares for us so much, He will not answer such prayers for our sake. Prayers that God answers are those aligned to His will and purpose: building, edifying, expanding, and blessing His Kingdom and people. If our prayers are aligned to His will, we know He will answer us.
To God: (1) time is not finite; (2) timing isn't critical, and (3) nothing is too urgent.
Third, we need to be aware of the fact that answers to our prayers may come in the forms of “No”, “Yes”, “Wait, I’ve got something better for you.” Obviously, “No” and “Yes” are pretty easy to discern. “Wait, I’ve got something better for you” is the hard one because patience and waiting are required. My personal journey tells me that God’s timing is almost always “later” than my timing. Honestly, that shouldn’t surprise us since our time-frame is pretty much now or yesterday. To God: (1) time is not finite; (2) timing isn't critical, and (3) nothing is too urgent. When He tells us to wait, it’s usually because He has something better in store for us. So, we must learn to trust Him when we are told to wait.
Fourth, we must keep in mind that prayer does not change His mind but ours. For instance, our prayer focus or desired answers change as we keep on praying. At other times, we begin to understand His time-frame. Still, at other times, we simply know that God will answer our prayer (according to His will and timing), so we “move on” to other prayer topics.
Fifth, let’s not say, “Well, I’ve tried everything else, so there’s nothing else I can do but pray.” That relegates prayer to the last option. We must make prayer our first option, something we do before doing anything else. Praying first (1) respects and honors God, (2) invites and welcomes His intervention, and (3) proves that we trust Him. Don’t use prayer as the last resort. Pray and seek His wisdom first.
All in all, though prayer doesn’t work the way we want it to, it works according to His ways. We may not get exactly what we ask for, but God almost always answers with something better. Remember, He is not only willing but able to meet all of our needs, and He does so according to His pleasure, will, and timing. He is a prayer-answering, loving, kind, and generous Father.
So, talk to Him. Lift up your concerns to Him. He will surely answer your prayers.