"Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone." I like that saying. So, to whom should you express your gratitude? And, are you thankful about circumstances, people, and things in your life, or are you angry and upset and bitter? Ultimately, your attitude says a lot about your perception of God.
We often forget--or become callous to--God’s timely provisions and divine interventions. That’s why we must take the time to reflect, think, and count our blessings. I suggest making a list to do this. Do it by yourself, and do it with your family and friends.

Now, some might say in frustration, “Do you have any idea what I’m going through?” No, I don’t. But, let’s be fair. Who isn’t fighting a battle? Who’s not struggling with health and medical issues pertaining to the self and loved ones? Who doesn’t have relational or social problems? Who doesn’t have financial worries? Who doesn’t have concerns about the future? The fact is, we are all facing a handful of serious and countless minor problems.
If you’re the type who gets overwhelmed by troubles, worries, and problems so much so that you don’t have anything to be thankful about, and you feel that God isn't hearing your prayers nor He will come to your rescue, please consider the following to change your mindset:
Jesus warned us that there will be trials and tribulations in life--we’ve been warned.
Worrying doesn't solve problems.
Our Heavenly Father knows what we need.
He promised that He’ll be with us--He demonstrated this by being in the boat with His disciples when the storm raged on.
He will calm the storms of life.
Our goal is to keep seeking His Kingdom first and foremost.
No one is immune from life’s troubles. If someone told you that following Jesus equals trouble-free life, then that person lied to you. The fact is, we’re all in a challenging circumstance, getting out of one, or moving toward the next one. That sounds pessimistic, but that’s just the way life is. But, let’s not cower in fear. Jesus is with us right in the middle of the storm. So, let’s not give up but keep our eyes fixed on Him, turn our ears to hear His voice, open our hearts to receive His word, and hold on to His gentle hand.
The choice is up to you and me: we can brave the storm by walking closely with Jesus, or we can continue to complain, worry, and row against the wave and the wind only with our own strength. The disciples learned that their own strength, experience, and knowledge get them nowhere fast. We should remember that and choose the better option.
Let’s take our faith up a notch. Go beyond counting your blessings and giving thanks to God for the past solutions and provisions. Let’s thank God for His presence in the midst of our storms, trials, and pains. He will surely pull us through for He has been faithful, and He is willing and able to rescue us. He was in the boat with the disciples when the raging storm rocked the boat. He stands with us, too, in our troubles no matter how strong the gale maybe and no matter how overwhelming the threat appears.