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The Role of Principal

Jason Song

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

“What do you do as the school principal?” a student asked. That’s a tough question because I wear many hats. I’m practically involved in all aspects of the school operation–resource management, enrollment, staffing, curriculum and instruction, parent and family support, educational and extracurricular programs, facility maintenance, etc. So, I'm sort of a jack-of-all-tades. Yet, if I were to sum up my role in one phrase, I’d say that my job is to shape and lead the learning environment of NCA. And, to accomplish that broad goal, I do the following:

First, I try to be present and visible. I do my best to be on campus -- and involved -- during normal school hours (and, many hours before and after school!). From leading Monday morning staff devotions, to greeting students upon arrival, to visiting classes, to chatting with students in the hallway, to supervising dismissals, I make efforts to be accessible and available. I want everyone to know that I’m here to serve and support.

Second, I share my knowledge, experience, and opinions with teachers, students, and parents. After more than 30 years in the field of education, there are some kernels of wisdom and insight that I can add to many conversations that take place at NCA. While I try not to be nosy or meddlesome, I share with others what I know -- honestly and passionately.

Third, I dream and plan. While I have to take care of day-to-day operations, I’m also very interested in the future of NCA. In order to “predict” the future, a la Peter Drucker, I study, research, read, visit other schools, and then cast the vision to make NCA a better school. This mindset was critical to NCA’s past decisions: adopting the IB Program, integrating the 4th and 5th graders into the middle school rotation, implementing the online learning system, etc. So, looking forward and planning ahead are part of what I do.

Fourth, I look for ways to improve things now. From internal and external communications, to tweaking arrival and dismissal procedures, to reducing potential accidents on campus, to supporting our student-athletes, etc., I’m always solving problems. I feel great about myself at the end of the day if I successfully identified issues or concerns and was part of the solution.

Looking back, I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for 25 years! God has been gracious and generous in granting me the opportunity to lead and serve NCA. Although not every moment was exciting and fun, it’s been an incredibly rewarding journey altogether. Thank you, NCA community, for allowing me to lead and serve! And, to the student who asked me this question, well, there you have it!



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