Characteristics of Underachievers (based on clinical studies)
Underachievers are bright but they do not put out effort necessary for success
Underachievers lack persistence (grit) even when they want to do well
Underachievement is a chronic problem that will not go away by itself
Underachievement usually occurs in more than one area of life
Underachievers do not do ordinary tasks--they lack the discipline for typical tasks

Underachievement is typically a character/attitude problem, not an ability problem
Underachievers lack self-discipline
Underachievers fail to accept responsibility for themselves
Underachievers do not make sacrifices for the future
Underachievers are dependent on others
Underachievers fear feelings of personal responsibility
Underachievers make excuses
Underachievers lie to themselves and to others
Underachievers lack self-mastery
Underachievers lack insight or knowledge
Underachievers procrastinate
Underachievers can be perfectionists
Underachievers feel victimized by external conditions or circumstances
Underachievers fear embarrassment and, thus, become shy or silent
Some underachievers mask their problem by overly acting/talking
Some underachievers suffer from depression, shame, and guilt
Solutions to underachievement
Parents must set the values at home first
Parents must stop making excuses for their child
Change the child, not the environment
If anyone needs measurable steps of improvement, it's the underachiever
Underachievers usually have a long history of repeated failures, so find ways to attain repeated successes
Never set grand goals that are difficult to achieve--underachievers will most likely give up rather than put in efforts
Encourage the underachiever to put up efforts, not on grades/marks