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Whose Shoulders Do You Stand On?

Jason Song

Whenever April comes around, I hear of fantastic college acceptance results of our seniors. 2022 is no exception. U. of Michigan, UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC, UCSD, Pepperdine, American U., etc., the list of schools is long and impressive. While I'm proud of their achievement, I share the following with our seniors: we all are standing on the shoulders of others. This is a valuable reminder for all of us but particularly for the graduates.

Individual students should be praised and celebrated for their efforts and resilience. I especially applaud the current seniors for enduring through 2+ years of the pandemic. Chalk it up as one of your major accomplishments! Do know that you are a big part of your success.

Yet, what about your parents or guardians? They’ve provided a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, and even made financial sacrifices to place you in a private school. Given that 90% of the nation’s students attend public schools, that makes you part of the 10% who attended private schools. So, Class of 2022, make sure you are grateful to your parents. They’ll probably end up paying at least part of your college tuition and living expenses going forward–bear that in mind. You're not "done" or "finished" with them. You will still depend on them for both financial and moral support.

I must also add that you stand on the shoulders of your teachers and administrators. Especially at NCA, where teachers pay close attention to student learning and development, our exceptional and outstanding teachers played a huge role in your success. Think about the times you were given multiple opportunities to learn, abundant grace to make up assignments, unending encouragement to press on, etc. What about their incredible patience to put up with your antics and complaints and even disrespect? I can tell you that your teachers/admins were focused on getting you to where you are today so that you can finish well and be prepared to take on the next phase of your learning. Be grateful to them.

NCA’s student achievement results are comparable to that of other schools that demand 2x or 3x the tuition. Yet, because NCA is a nonprofit school ministry, and since all staff have made significant financial sacrifices to fulfill the school’s mission to Educate, Enable, and Equip the Christian Leaders of Tomorrow, you stand on their shoulders. Students, if you think your success (and particularly your college acceptance results) is solely based on your ability or intelligence or knowledge, you are gravely mistaken. I hope you will resist hubris and embrace humility.

Further, as you stand on the shoulders of others, you’ll need to start asking the following question: “Who will stand on my shoulders? For whom will I make sacrifices?” The moment you realize that the world does not revolve around you, and that your success is defined by the success of others, you become a person of significance and influence. I hope you’ll remember this.

Congratulations, NCA’s Class of 2022! I’m sure we’ll hear more wonderful news about your college acceptance, but know that we celebrate and rejoice with you. We’re proud of you and wish you the very best of God as you journey on. May God continue to guide and bless you. Stay humble and grateful as your move on.

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